Responsible for the monitoring of G.O. Bond project budgets, timelines and progress reporting, the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee is made up of the following Miami Beach residents:

Voting Members:

  • Karen Rivo

    Committee Chair, Representing Citywide

  • Jack Glottmann

    Committee Vice Chair, Representing Mid Beach

  • Bruce Halpryn

    Representing Arts & Culture

  • Dana Martorella

    Representing South Beach

  • Dennis Scholl

    Representing Arts & Culture

  • Jason Koslowe

    Representing Mid Beach

  • Kate Mosley

    Representing South Beach

  • Laura Veitia

    Representing North Beach

  • Shari Gurkin

    Representing North Beach

Ex-Officio Members:

  • Adam Kravitz

    Audit Committee, Designee

  • David Sexton

    Cultural Arts Council, Designee

  • Donald Goldberg

    Parks & Recreation Board, Designee

  • Isaiah Mosley

    Sustainability Committee, Designee

  • Jack Benveniste

    Budget Advisory Committee, Designee

Former Members:

  • David Grieser

  • Michael DeFillippi

  • Carolina Jones

  • Bruce Carter

  • Susan Askew

  • Scott Needleman

  • Jason Greene

  • Carmen Browne

  • Yechiel Ciment

  • Max Litt

  • Ron Starkman

  • Jeremy Waks

  • Wendy Squire

  • Marie Peter

  • Bryan Rosenfeld

  • John Bowes

  • Sean Smith

  • Francisco Diez-Rivas